“Montgomery: The Way It Was” will be recalled for us in picture and story by Dan Pullen on Wednesday evening, September 12 at 7 PM in the program room at Mary Jacobs Memorial Library, 63 Washington St., Rocky Hill, NJ.
Back when “Doc” Pullen was growing up here, Montgomery was still rural; its villages inked together by dirt roads and party line telephones. Folks in those days did not worry much about locking their doors and kids on bicycles freely roamed the countryside.
Dan Pullen, camera in hand, captured glimpses of that world which he will share with us along with those stories he tells so well, making this an evening not to be missed. This library program is sponsored by Van Harlingen Historical Society.
The program is free and open to the public but registration is required. Register online at sclsnj.org – go to Programs & Events or
Register by phone at 908-458-8430 x3