Historic Things Photo Contest

Announcing the first annual Images of Historic Montgomery Township Photo Contest

The history of Montgomery is hiding in plain sight all over town! Everywhere you look, you see a visual reminder of what was here 50, 100, even 200 years ago. It may be as simple as rocks, once part of a mill, that have tumbled into the Millstone River to a dwelling house still standing after a few centuries to macadam from an abandoned roadway to an Osage orange hedgerow planted to delineate property boundaries. Even in housing developments and store complexes where the earth has been plowed and moved six ways to Sunday, the astute observer might discern a right of way from a long-abandoned railroad track or an old barn that has been converted into a residence to a small old stone foundation in the backyard.

Van Harlingen Historical Society and The Montgomery News want you, the residents, to take photos of historic sights around town. The photos will be displayed publicly (place TBD) during the first two weeks of September and professional photographers will select the winners. Top three winners will receive a cash prize. Top twelve winners will receive a local history book and the opportunity to have their photo included in a 2025 calendar.

The Rules: limit of two photos per person, email entries to by August 26, include photographer’s name, where the photo was taken (Montgomery/ Rocky Hill) & what historic sight it is, when the photo was taken (must be within last three months). Contest is open to amateur photographers of all ages. Please email questions to

Delaware &  Raritan Canal  Commission 50th birthday exhibit

 The Delaware &  Raritan Canal  Commission is celebrating its 50th birthday and the Society will give them a tip of the hat with an exhibit  of 1970s newspaper clippings, correspondence between the State of New Jersey and property lessees, maps and photographs  (all from a private collection) of the Griggstown bridgetender’s house  titled  Griggstown and Blackwell’s Mills Ephemera from the 1970s.

All men are created equal except…. – Feb 22 2024

February is both Black History Month and the birth month of George Washington, the first president of the United States.

You may not realize it but Washington was an enslaver for 56 years (he inherited 10 slaves when he was only 11 years old) and, at the time of his death in 1799, there were 317 enslaved people working at his 8000-acre Mount Vernon estate in Virginia.

Washington’s position on slavery changed over time.  In his later years, he privately supported gradual abolition but, publicly, he refrained from sharing his views.  According to his will, he wanted to emancipate his slaves upon the death of his wife, Martha Custis Washington (1731-1802).  However, less than half the enslaved were ultimately freed because, according to existing dower laws, the slaves Martha brought to Mount Vernon legally belonged to Custis descendants upon her death – she had use of them only during her lifetime.

Both Washington and slavery were active in Montgomery in the 18th century.  Washington was appointed Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in 1775 and he traveled through various areas of Montgomery during the eight-year Revolutionary War.  He spent time at various local estates, including Rockingham (he resided there for two and one-half months in 1783 as he wrote his farewell to the “Armies of the United States”.)

And enslaved Black people? They had been firmly entrenched on the large plantations in Montgomery since time of settlement.  Generations of enslaved people were passed along through generations of local families such as the Crusers, Hoaglands, Terhunes, Beekmans, Hagemans, Van Hornes, Ten Broecks, etc.

However, since slaves were human chattels, considered a commodity over which one’s owner had total control (mind, body, and soul), 18th century records of this peculiar and unfortunate institution are generally non-existent and incomplete, at best.  The 1804 New Jersey Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery, while not actually abolishing slavery, did improve record-keeping for the 19th century, thus making research easier.

In some instances, glimpses into the lives of enslaved people have been recorded almost by accident – gleaned from bills of sale, diaries, letters, tax ratables, receipts, etc.  Such is the case with Hannah Till (1721-1826).   Hannah was born in Delaware.  She was sold three times (when she was 15, again when she was 25, and yet again when she was 35) and then, around 1777, she was ‘leased’ to General George Washington to be his personal cook.  She served seven wartime years for Washington (except for six months when she was loaned to the Marquis de Lafayette).  It is likely that she was present at all the celebrated battles of the Revolutionary War – making it also likely that she traveled through this area several times.  Hannah was not enslaved the entire seven years – she was able to purchase her freedom in 1778 so, from then until the end of the war, she served Washington as a salaried cook.

In order to recall the hypocrisy of slavery and to commemorate our first president’s birthday, the Van Harlingen Historical Society is proud to host Leslie C. Bramlett, historical interpreter, who will give a first-person account of Hannah Till’s life.

Register to attend at the Montgomery Library: click here

Please direct questions to
or call 908-359-8304


Montgomery Rocks – My sediments exactly! May 6 2023

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Montgomery Rocks

My sediments exactly!

After a multi-year hiatus, the Van Harlingen Historical Society is proud to once again present May in Montgomery.

While we usually highlight local history going back two or three hundred years, this year we’re going back two or three hundred million years.

On May 6, we offer you your choice of morning(10-12) or afternoon (1:30-3:30) bus tour/ field trip led by Sean Kinney, post-doctoral research scholar at Colombia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.

The two-hour tour will include several chances to see geological formations up-close and personal. Rain date is May 7. Tickets are $40. A tasty box lunch is included. This is a good time to check out the Gulick House, too, and see the displays.

And that’s not all! On April 26 at 6 pm, you are invited to attend a geology lecture by Dr, Kinney at the Montgomery Library to get “grounded” for the May 6 event. The lecture is co-sponsored by the library.  It is free and open to the public but we suggest you register with the library by going to website and click on ‘programs’.

If you have questions or would like to reserve your tickets, please contact Candy at