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Montgomery Rocks
My sediments exactly!
After a multi-year hiatus, the Van Harlingen Historical Society is proud to once again present May in Montgomery.
While we usually highlight local history going back two or three hundred years, this year we’re going back two or three hundred million years.
On May 6, we offer you your choice of morning(10-12) or afternoon (1:30-3:30) bus tour/ field trip led by Sean Kinney, post-doctoral research scholar at Colombia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
The two-hour tour will include several chances to see geological formations up-close and personal. Rain date is May 7. Tickets are $40. A tasty box lunch is included. This is a good time to check out the Gulick House, too, and see the displays.
And that’s not all! On April 26 at 6 pm, you are invited to attend a geology lecture by Dr, Kinney at the Montgomery Library to get “grounded” for the May 6 event. The lecture is co-sponsored by the library. It is free and open to the public but we suggest you register with the library by going to website sclsnj.org and click on ‘programs’.
If you have questions or would like to reserve your tickets, please contact Candy at library@vanharlingen.org