Historic Things Photo Contest

Announcing the first annual Images of Historic Montgomery Township Photo Contest

The history of Montgomery is hiding in plain sight all over town! Everywhere you look, you see a visual reminder of what was here 50, 100, even 200 years ago. It may be as simple as rocks, once part of a mill, that have tumbled into the Millstone River to a dwelling house still standing after a few centuries to macadam from an abandoned roadway to an Osage orange hedgerow planted to delineate property boundaries. Even in housing developments and store complexes where the earth has been plowed and moved six ways to Sunday, the astute observer might discern a right of way from a long-abandoned railroad track or an old barn that has been converted into a residence to a small old stone foundation in the backyard.

Van Harlingen Historical Society and The Montgomery News want you, the residents, to take photos of historic sights around town. The photos will be displayed publicly (place TBD) during the first two weeks of September and professional photographers will select the winners. Top three winners will receive a cash prize. Top twelve winners will receive a local history book and the opportunity to have their photo included in a 2025 calendar.

The Rules: limit of two photos per person, email entries to president@vanharlingen.org by August 26, include photographer’s name, where the photo was taken (Montgomery/ Rocky Hill) & what historic sight it is, when the photo was taken (must be within last three months). Contest is open to amateur photographers of all ages. Please email questions to library@vanharlingen.org.

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